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Join Telegram group

Join Telegram group

Join to receive festival news firsthand!


Receive festival news firsthand!


The most recent and important news related to your favorite summer festivals in Opatija and Rovinj now finds its way to you - directly via Telegram!

We've expanded this app to keep you updated so you don't miss any essential festival announcement. This platform will be used to inform you only about fresh news and key information important for your stay in Rovinj prior to the festival, and during the festival, you will receive key reminders and information about all updates and last-minute changes at the festival via this channel.

Stay tuned and keep calm with your new festival guide!

NOTE: Once the channel opens, just click "join" on the bottom of the screen ;)




*Your e-mail is unique and precious to us as it is to you. We will not re-share it to anybody else, nor abuse your trust in any way. Pinky swear.
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